Paleo and Whole 30 Snacks


Cooking paleo isn’t too difficult, but it’s what happens in between the meals that makes being paleo harder. Finding the right paleo snacks is important in not only keeping your blood sugar up and tummy full but also preventing yourself from falling into a cheating trap. When I used to get hungry the quick & easy snacks I would reach for were loaded in carbs & sugar like granola bars, chips, and popcorn. Sometimes I would have healthy snacks like a banana, carrots & apples, but when you’re on the go it isn’t that easy.So I thought I would share some of my “go-to” on-the-go paleo snacks that are gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, non-GMO & some even sugar-free. These are also convenient, compact and easy to take on the go!

  1. Larabar – Created with unsweetened fruits (& dates), nuts and spices. My favorite paleo versions are apple, cherry pie, blueberry & cashew cookie.

  2. Justin’s Classic Almond Butter packets – These little packets are great to throw in your purse or gym bag for a quick protein fix. If you want a little dessert try the vanilla, honey or maple syrup one with an apple or banana.

  3. Kale Chips & Seaweed – If you need a salty “chip-like” fix, these are great. My favorites are Trader Joe’s Zesty Nacho Kale Chips & SeaSnax Roasted Seaweed

  4. Nuts – I prefer almonds because of the protein & fiber, but cashews, macadamia nuts, walnuts, etc… are good too

  5. Coconut Bliss Ice Cream – if you’re craving some ice cream, this coconut ice cream is one of the best. It’s all organic and it has ingredients that aren’t a foreign language. Trader Joe’s has a version, but the ingredients aren’t as pure and “paleo”

  6. Amande Cultured AlmondMilk – aka yogurt (but dairy free & sweetened by fruit not sugar). I’m not a big fan of having so much coconut flavor, so this mixes things up. While the consistency isn’t like greek yogurt or yoplait, it does satisfy my craving for creamy yogurt.

  7. Beef Jerky – Most beef jerky is made with gluten, sugar, preservatives, MSG or nitrates. This paleo jerky by The New Primal is made with grass-fed beef (another bonus) and flavored with natural sources like onions, pepper, ginger, pineapple juice and honey.

  8. Caveman Cookies – I love these little individually wrapped bites of goodness. In 4 different flavors you can get your craving for cookies on the go without having to battle almond flour & coconut flour in the kitchen.

What are YOUR favorite paleo snacks?