2018… A Year in Review - Part 3: 2019 Intentions


When looking forward to 2019, I started journaling what I wanted the year to look like (leaning into my 'woo woo' side in hopes to manifest this stuff). To keep me accountable, I thought I'd post my 2019 intentions publicly or else they'd sit on paper hidden in a journal with no one to call me out! So here goes.Welcome to the last part, Part 3 of my 2018 Year in Review Series. In Part 1 and Part 2, I talked all about the things I was grateful for and lessons learned. From those lessons I realized that in order to create my ideal 2019, the two main things I need to focus on are simplifying and myself.

My 2019 word of the year is SIMPLIFY and my 2019 phrase is "Take care of yourself first."

In order to make more space to take care of myself, to be able to fill my life with all the things I love, and to do more of the things I love, I need to create space by simplifying. Whether it's detoxing, letting go, decluttering, saying no, creating systems, etc... it's all about simplifying!When I looked at my 2018 Top 9, I realized it was missing a lot of what actually fills me up, so in 2019 I'm making it my intention to do more... like travel, speaking, in-person events and more! Here are some of my 2019 intentions (aka things I want to do more of, start doing or continue to do).

2019 Intentions

  1. Doing what fills me up first

  2. Waking up earlier (that is only if Mia starts sleeping through the night)... so maybe sleep training Mia finally (7 months later) and go to bed earlier

  3. Mediate daily (even if it's less than 5 minutes)

  4. Start writing in my gratitude journal again (expert level: try out Morning Pages)

  5. Focus on my health - start working out again (since I never did once in 2018) and eating cleaner

  6. Cooking more (so I can eat better and so my son stops eating grilled cheese daily)

  7. Spending more time outside

  8. Implementing more date nights with the hubby

  9. Getting childcare! (okay, maybe this should be my number one)

  10. Travel more with the family (and maybe even internationally - I used to go out of the country once a year and since having kids, I haven't touched my passport since 2014... our honeymoon to New Zealand)

  11. Increase my revenue and reach my "good" revenue goal for 2019

  12. Plan at least 4 client events under Stephanie Uchima Events that are in line with my intentions (non-profit / philanthropy, women-focused, or entrepreneurial)

  13. Take one day off a week to spend with the kids - fully present (no work)

  14. Plan more of my own events for moms and entrepreneurs - teach more, network more, bring more "in-person" (or virtual, but live) events to life

  15. Read more (who am I kidding - how about listen to the Audible books I own)

  16. Declutter - how do I have so much stuff???

  17. More speaking opportunities - conferences, podcasts, video...

  18. Creating more content and actually putting it out there! I had a whole content calendar from 2017 that I never put into effect in 2018

  19. Less time on social media

  20. Learn how to play golf

  21. Continue to make an effort to stay in touch with old friends - even if it's infrequent

  22. Continue to trust my gut and to say "no" when it's not a good fit and to walk away or stop if something isn't "flowing" - if it’s forced or a huge struggle (in a bad way) it’s probably not the right path

What's happening already in 2019?

There are some things already on the schedule that I'm super excited about!!! Here's what I already have in store for 2019...

  1. Starting the year (Jan) in NYC at the 90 Day Year Base Camp

  2. Producing a live workshop (Calm + Clear Workshop) with my awesome friend Danielle - Jan 19th in Encinitas (hoping to do more events quarterly and in different cities)

  3. Opening my new office space to other moms

  4. Speaking at Alt Oasis in Palm Springs (did I mention my doppelgänger Joanna Gaines is a keynote speaker?!?)

  5. Being in my cousin’s wedding in Palm Springs (and attending her bachelorette party in Miami)

  6. Attending the Mom 2.0 Summit in Austin

  7. Putting on my first online conference - the Mompreneur Summit

  8. Helping produce the 2nd Chairman Mom Flee

  9. Traveling to Whitefish, MT with the family for skiing

  10. Traveling to Hawaii (my happy place)

I'm already grateful for what's in store for 2019 and I cannot wait to see what the year brings!
