Ep. 45 - Fueled by Food: Turning a Passion into a Product with Eunice Byun, Co-Founder and CEO of Material

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Today’s guest is Eunice Byun, the CEO and co-founder of Material, a company that celebrates home cooks and their desire for good-looking, high-performing products.

But only a few years ago Eunice was working her way up in the retail industry with a successful career at some of the top brand names in NYC. But her passion for design mixed with a love for food and inspired by her Korean-American family background in restaurants led her down a path to starting Material with her co-founder Dave… after she already had her first kid.

Eunice is now the mom to two young girls, a five year-old and a 1 year old.

I love how Eunice incorporates her eldest into the business and leads by example, showing her daughter that she doesn’t have to conform to any societal norms or parental pressures and that she can pursue whatever she has the passion to do in life.

But I hope this also inspires you to also pursue that passion in your life. If you go to sleep thinking about an idea and wake up thinking about that same idea - it might be the sign of something you were destined to pursue.

After you listen to the episode head over to materialkitchen.com to check out the beautiful and affordable high-quality kitchenware! As a listener, you can get 15% off your first purchase if you use the code: mommysonacall

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